Saturday was a hike day. So, Dave, our friend Margaret, and I took the opportunity to do a little exploring in our own backyard. It involved a small hillside structure within the Phoenix Mountains Preserve that we had never visited. Curiosity took over, and off we went. 

The little room on the hill.

The little room on the hill.

Our hike began at the Myrtle Tunnel Trailhead, which joined a section of the Perl Charles Trail (1A). We headed south. The preserve is so vast and system of trails so plentiful that once entered, the city simply fades away. Solitude is easy to attain here.

Let the bloom begin!

Let the bloom begin!

The wildflowers have just begun.

The wildflowers have just begun.

Recent rainfall has filled the mountains with color.

Recent rainfall has filled the mountains with color.

A small trail led us to this place of unknown origin. 

A narrow path led us to our destination.

A narrow path led us to our destination.

Recently, Dave and I searched for any historical reference to this little room and came up empty. I thought the windows looked a little like a cut-out of Arkansas—wait—maybe Utah, or perhaps Missouri?

Margaret enjoys the view from the ”patio”.

Margaret enjoys the view from the ”patio”.

Hmmm. Was it once a lookout— or perhaps a herder’s shack? Or, maybe it had something to do with that UFO sighting back in the 1947—yet another topic for me to obsess over.

If anyone figures it out, please let us know.
