Arizona trails are essential services. Thankfully, with our vast trail system, it’s not difficult to find an uncrowded venue. Skip the Camelbacks and Piestawas—unless you enjoy wiping down boulders and guard rails that have been touched by thousands. 


Dave, Margaret, and I started hiking from the 40th Street Trailhead in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. We followed an unnamed, well-maintained trail that led west towards two small peaks. 

Through the wash towards the peaks.

Through the wash towards the peaks.

That day was magical. Wildflowers covered the barren soil like a blanket, soon to be vanquished by the onset of summer heat. 

Happy path.

Happy path.


The mountains were green with life, and there was still a slight chill in the air.

A view from above

A view from above

We were surprised to find a hidden valley within the peaks. A crater, perhaps?


With stay-at-home orders in place, the smog that envelopes us this time of year was greatly reduced. We could see for miles and miles.


Bonus—the trail was mostly deserted, which made social distancing effortless.

Social distancing at its finest.

Social distancing at its finest.

Spring is the desert’s curtain call—a final bow before survival mode kicks in. Although open trails may not be essential to some, the joy it brings to house-bound Phoenicians (including ourselves) is without measure. 
