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White Tank Wildflowers


White Tank Wildflowers

Margaret is one of my favorite people. After all, we did work together for over 20 years. We have shared more up and downs than most do in a lifetime. And, it was Margaret who told Dave and I that the wildflowers were in bloom. So last Saturday, we packed some fruit and sandwiches and headed off to the White Tanks for a group wildflower hike. 

White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Mesquite Canyon trail.

White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Mesquite Canyon trail.

At 30,000 acres, The White Tank Mountain Regional Park is enormous. It features several canyons and rises from the base to over 4,000 ft. The name White Tank comes from the depressions (or tanks) that hold water in the white granite rock—created from erosion and flash flooding. 

A winding golden pathway

A winding golden pathway

The breezes that day were cool and plentiful.

As we rounded a corner, we were greeted by green hillsides covered with purple, orange and gold. Narrow pathways were lined with poppies, giving the trail a wedding-like feel.  

white tank hi rez edit-7.jpg

With the trail being six miles long, our plan was to have lunch at the midway point. Boy, were we mistaken. As we approached a trail junction, the signage indicated that we had hiked 4.5 miles and had 4.1 miles to go. Argh. Needless to say, it wasn't long thereafter that we stopped to eat. Thank goodness for chicken salad and clementines. 

Margaret on the trail to who knows where.

Margaret on the trail to who knows where.

The land of lizards.

The land of lizards.

As we worked our way back down, it got kind of quiet. All business. Suddenly, a rather LARGE lizard scrambled across the rocks close to the trail. Our energy levels were immediately heightened, albeit for only a moment. The ample sun became glaringly obvious. We were all becoming a little toasty. 

Our once leisurely pace kicked up a notch. All eyes on the prize (jeep). Before too long, the parking area came into view and was met with smiles all around. 

Poppies. That will make them sleep…..

Poppies. That will make them sleep…..

Overall, it was splendid outing, full of color, adventure and surprises. Worthy of the extra mile—wait—make that three of them. 
