A Week of Firsts
Our transition from the desert to the mountains is a usually a quick one. We jump in with both feet. This past week was full of firsts—some traditional, and some not so…
It seems like we brought the heat with us again this year. We were greeted with temps near 30°c, but fortunately, it didn’t last. Our first walk into town was on a rainy, gusty, Oooooh. Clouds. This was the first real rain we had seen since late last year. The icing on the cake seeing our first elk!
The Grizzly Paw on Main St. in Canmore has been a first stop tradition of ours for close to 20 years. There is nothing better than an order of poutine, a pint of Big Herd Nut Brown, and another pint of Buffalo Stout. Welcome home.
The Barrier Lake Trail was our first real hike of the season. One BIG uphill, with a beautiful payoff. Someday, I will ride my mountain bike up that one. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
Lastly, one of the most joyous firsts of the week was to discover the new dog park by our home. Dota and Puccini have never experienced the real freedom of running free.. It is so wonderful to see them running, sniffing, and exploring on their own. Go lil’ mountain dogs, go.