It was not a UFO. But it sure looked ominous. Lenticular clouds are not uncommon in the Rockies. They develop when air moves over the mountains and cools down to the point that condensation occurs. These clouds are different because they don’t move–the passage of air just reforms them again and again.
Lenticular cloud over Three Sisters.
South Shore Bylot Island, Lawren Harris, 1931
But, I digress. The evening storm front turned into a morning full of visual beauty—the kind of landscapes that artists can only dream about. The stuff of Lawrence Harris paintings. And thanks to Dave’s birthday tee-time of 7:10 am, we were able experience it firsthand. I think my canvas is calling.
Three Sisters Parkway
God's Light, Canmore, AB
Three Sisters
Canmore Golf and Curling Club, Canmore, AB Happy Birthday Dave!
Canmore Golf and Curling Club, Canmore, AB
Grotto Mountain, Canmore, AB